Overwatch 2 Support Tier List

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Overwatch 2 Support Tier List

A complete Overwatch 2 support tier list featuring the best and worst heroes to win your competitive games and including the new support hero Illari.

The release of Overwatch 2 Season 6 brought various changes to support heroes, shifting the entire meta of the game. To help you decide which character you should pick to climb up the competitive ranks, here is a complete Overwatch 2 support tier list ranking the heroes from best to worst.

Overwatch 2 Support Tier List S-Tier Heroes

The S-tier heroes from this Overwatch 2 support tier list are the best ones to play if you want to increase your odds of winning.


Lucio was already on the top of our Overwatch 2 Season 5 support tier list and keeps his position in this new season. The latest update doesn't bring many changes to his healing output or overall impact on the speed of team fights, but improves his survivability as his Crossfade self-healing penalty is reduced from 60 to 0% for the duration of Amp It Up. With the same powerful kit as before and even better survivability, Lucio is among the best support heroes to play in Overwatch 2.


Baptiste has always been a reliable support hero and the release of Season 6 doesn’t change that. As hitscan heroes are among the best to play this season and take the best spots in our Overwatch 2 DPS tier list, having a Baptiste on your team helps them deal even more damage thanks to his Amplification Matrix.

Overwatch 2 Support Tier List A-Tier Heroes

Heroes from this part of our Overwatch 2 Season 6 support tier list are good in most situations, although not as overpowered as those from the S-tier.


Ana has a powerful kit that makes her a real threat to any kind of enemy team composition, especially thanks to her Biotic Grenade and her Sleep Dart. Overwatch 2 developers found Ana to be a little too powerful in the previous seasons and decided to nerf her primary weapon, reducing the damage and healing per projectile of her Biotic Rifle from 75 to 70. The size of her unscoped projectile gets slightly bigger, increasing from 0 to 0.1 to help Ana land shots on her opponents more easily than before.


Lifeweaver received various improvements with the release of the previous season, making him a viable support hero in Overwatch 2 Season 5. His healing power has been increased and his hitbox reduced to let him live longer than he used to, but he still lacks the added value of other heroes from this Overwatch 2 support tier list. Season 6 changes his kit to bring more balance to Lifeweaver, tweaking his health, armor, and all abilities so that he can fit better among the other heroes from this Overwatch 2 support tier list.

Overwatch Characters Part 3: Backstories and Abilities

Lifeweaver's base health was reduced from 200 to 175 in favor of more shield health, which goes from 0 to 50. Thorn Volley's spread was deemed to be random so Blizzard reduced the spread for one of the two Thorn Volley projectiles fired per shot by 25% to have a better consistency at mid-range. The healing from Lifeweaver's Rejuvenating Dash was increased from 25 to 50, and his Tree of Life was also boosted as this ultimate ability now grants up to 100 maximum Overhealth. Overall, Lifeweaver gets better survivability and a more consistent healing output, allowing this hero to climb a few ranks in our Overwatch 2 Season 6 support tier list.


Kiriko received various changes with the release of the Overwatch 2 Season 6 patch notes. Her Protection Suzu no longer knocks back enemies, as Blizzard deemed this feature to not be really useful anyway. Its overall healing was reduced from 50 to 40, but it now heals an additional 30 health when cleansing a negative effect, inciting Kiriko players to use the Protection Suzu in key moments instead as a basic health boost. Kiriko's kunai deal more damage than before, with its recovery time reduced from 0.55 to 0.5 seconds and damage increased from 40 to 45. The critical damage multiplier of landing headshots with the Kunai goes from 3 to 2.5x to reduce the difference in damage between regular shots and critical ones. With her high mobility and versatile kit, Kiriko is a decent choice if you are looking for a good support hero to play in Overwatch 2 Season 6.


Illari is the latest support hero to join Overwatch 2, announced with the release of Season 6. While her exact efficiency in competitive games remains a mystery, her kit seems promising. Illari’s main weapon is a long-range rifle, and she can heal allies from afar thanks to her Solmar Rifle. She also benefits from great mobility thanks to Outburst and can hinder her opponents, knocking them back or slowing them with her ultimate ability, Captive Sun.

Illari Overewatch 2 credit: Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 Support Tier List B-Tier Heroes

These heroes are decent, but may not shine in all team or map compositions. Be careful if you pick them to make sure they work with your current situation.

Overwatch Characters Part 2: Backstories and Abilities


Zenyatta is a hero who can shine when played properly or feed terribly if he is in the wrong hands. His Orb of Discord can help kill an enemy faster, his Orb of Harmony grants health back to his teammates, and he can easily finish off targets with his Orb of Destruction. However, playing Zenyatta requires more aim than other heroes from this Overwatch 2 support tier list. Since hitscan heroes are among the best DPS in Overwatch 2, Zenyatta is a good pick to deal damage and heal allies from afar while staying safe away from close range.


While Moira has been dominating the early days of Overwatch 2, she has been flirting with the lower part of our Overwatch 2 support tier lists for quite some time now. She isn’t as effective as she used to be, and the rise of hitscan heroes like Cassidy prevents her from performing at her maximum capacity. However, she remains a good support hero with great mobility, a versatile kit allowing her to deal massive damage, she provides consistent healing, and can get away from danger faster than most heroes.

Overwatch 2 Support Tier List Meh-Tier Heroes

The characters from the Meh-tier section of our Overwatch 2 Season 6 support heroes tier list are not the best ones to play if you want to win. While that doesn’t mean you should avoid them at all costs, there are better-balanced support heroes this season.


Brigitte is not among the best support heroes to play with the release of Overwatch 2 Season 6. Not only is the meta not in her favor, putting hitscan and longer-range heroes under the spotlight, but Blizzard also nerfed some of her abilities. The health from Brigitte's Barrier Shield was reduced from 300 to 250, and the cost of her ultimate ability Rally goes up by 6%. While Brigitte remains a good hero to play in brawl and compact team compositions, she is not reaching the higher tiers of our Overwatch 2 support tier list.


Mercy hasn't been able to reach the higher tiers of our Overwatch 2 support tier list for quite some time now, and the release of Season 6 doesn't change that. While she is far from being a terrible hero, she relies on others to be efficient, especially due to her Caduceus Staff boosting the damage of any targeted ally. The latest patch notes reduce Mercy's damage boost from 30 to 25%, preventing this support hero from focusing solely on damage boost instead of healing her teammates.